Register Now for Intermediate Level I Rueda de Casino and/or
Intermediate Level 1 Son Cubano/Rueda-on-4 Class Series Begins Tuesday, Feb 14th

When: Tuesdays & Fridays 6:00pm-8:00pm
Tuesdays are instruction; Friday is rueda practice to review what was covered in Tuesday class and more.
Intermediate Level 1 Son Cubano/Rueda-on-4 Class Series Begins Tuesday, Feb 14th

When: Tuesdays & Fridays 6:00pm-8:00pm
Tuesdays are instruction; Friday is rueda practice to review what was covered in Tuesday class and more.
Intermediate Level I Rueda Series: Feb 7th - Mar 7th
Participants must be proficient in Beginner level I, II, & III casino moves and footwork. Click this link to see Maritza's Beginner Level curriculum. Dancers will learn important intermediate level patterns and footwork that can be used in Advanced level casino. This is a 4-week series for casineros who have mastered the 11 basic moves listed on Maritza's curriculum on the CasinoRueda Links tab on blog. If you are still trying to find the beat and you feel off, go back to beginners level 1, 2 or 3 or consult with Maritza. The music will be faster and walking/stepping forward faster will be a MUST and part of the training. Please bring a foam roller to class (they are cheap at ROSS 4 Less or Walmart), needed for the warm up to work on Cuban body movement prep. Moves you will learn are: Dedo, Montana, Setenta complicada, Balsero, Beso, Dame una pa'rriba, seis y nueve, consorte, Kentoqui, 90, and 71.
SON CUBANO Class Series: Feb 7th - Mar 7th 8:15pm-10:00pm
This class series will introduce the intermediate casinero how to dance "son" a traditional social dance popular in the 50's typically danced to music with a contratiempo rhythm (emphasis on the 2nd & 4th beat). Son Cubano will be taught in partners and in a rueda. Just when you thought you found the beat, Maritza is going to mess with your mind and send you into a paradygm shift with your listening ears so you can find the clave beat in your feet. Once you dance "son" you will keep wanting more or have a stronger appreciation for the dance and the contratiempo music.
REGISTRATION for Son Cubano 4-wk Class Series: Click this link to register
COST: $40.00 per person; Please bring cash
Participants must be proficient in Beginner level I, II, & III casino moves and footwork. Click this link to see Maritza's Beginner Level curriculum. Dancers will learn important intermediate level patterns and footwork that can be used in Advanced level casino. This is a 4-week series for casineros who have mastered the 11 basic moves listed on Maritza's curriculum on the CasinoRueda Links tab on blog. If you are still trying to find the beat and you feel off, go back to beginners level 1, 2 or 3 or consult with Maritza. The music will be faster and walking/stepping forward faster will be a MUST and part of the training. Please bring a foam roller to class (they are cheap at ROSS 4 Less or Walmart), needed for the warm up to work on Cuban body movement prep. Moves you will learn are: Dedo, Montana, Setenta complicada, Balsero, Beso, Dame una pa'rriba, seis y nueve, consorte, Kentoqui, 90, and 71.
REGISTRATION for Intermediate Level 1 Rueda Series: Click this link to register for the Intermediate Level I Rueda de Casino in Escondido
COST: $40.00 per person; Please bring cash
COST: $40.00 per person; Please bring cash
LOCATION: Doug's studio in Escondido - 1717 S. Iris Lane, Escondido, CA 92026
WEBSITE: See Maritza's curriculum in the Casino Rueda Links tab SON CUBANO Class Series: Feb 7th - Mar 7th 8:15pm-10:00pm
This class series will introduce the intermediate casinero how to dance "son" a traditional social dance popular in the 50's typically danced to music with a contratiempo rhythm (emphasis on the 2nd & 4th beat). Son Cubano will be taught in partners and in a rueda. Just when you thought you found the beat, Maritza is going to mess with your mind and send you into a paradygm shift with your listening ears so you can find the clave beat in your feet. Once you dance "son" you will keep wanting more or have a stronger appreciation for the dance and the contratiempo music.
REGISTRATION for Son Cubano 4-wk Class Series: Click this link to register
COST: $40.00 per person; Please bring cash
LOCATION: Doug's studio in Escondido - 1717 S. Iris Lane, Escondido, CA 92026
WEBSITE: See Maritza's curriculum in the Casino Rueda Links tab
There are NO Drop-ins and NO make up classes for this series. Do not miss a class or you will have to wing it! The purpose of a closed series is to raise the level of casino rueda dance knowledge to the next level. There are 3 levels of beginner in learning rueda de casino.
Contact Info:
Maritza Baida
Vista and Escondido, CA
Beginner Casino/Rueda, Intermediate Level Casino/Rueda & Son Cubano
Facebook: Baila Cubano San Diego, Inc.
Maritza Baida
Vista and Escondido, CA
Beginner Casino/Rueda, Intermediate Level Casino/Rueda & Son Cubano
Facebook: Baila Cubano San Diego, Inc.
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