Pisces Birthday Celebration Potluck Dance Party in Encinitas - Sun. March 12th

Hooray! Spring is upon us soon and it's time to celebrate our Pisces casineros. This will be a reunion of casino-dancing friends and a chance to celebrate a critical mass of birthdays in our dance community. We're taking advantage of a great space at Tim's rueda class location in Encinitas. This potluck dance party will come after Tim Snedeker's regular dance classes. Ther eiwll be a mega-rueda, and new fun rueda moves called in the rueda
Here are the details:
WHAT:  Casinero Birthday Party/Potluck for Pisces Birthday Dance Party after Tim's Rueda de Casino Classes
WHERE: Dance North County - 535 Encinitas Blvd. Ste100, Encinitas, CA 92024
WHEN:  Sunday, March 12th
              5:00pm - Beginner Rueda de Casino Class
              6:00pm - Intermediate Rueda de Casino Class
              7:00pm - Birthday Dance Party/Potluck
COST: Rueda class - $10.00 a person
            Potluck Party - no cost, just bring a dish or drinks to share

Rumba & Son Workshops with Wilfredo Guilbiac Rodriguez in Escondido & Dance Social - Fri Mar 3rd

Greeting Everyone!
I am so excited to announce that Wilfredo Guilbiac Rodriguez is coming up to Escondido to do a rumba and a son workshop. Our thriving Cuban dance community in "Esco" has a big interest to learn from the masters some of the most stylistic and iconic Cuban dance forms: a Rumba class and a son class taught by our very own master Cuban dance instructor in the region.  It's happening so get ready to register for the two workshops.

Here is a biography of Wilfredo, in case you want to know more about him:
Wilfredo Guilbiac Rodriguez is a professional dancer, choreographer and teacher with a degree from Escuela de Artes Varietur in Havana, Cuba. While there, he specialized in Afro-Cuban technique, modern dance, and Cuban popular styles and worked with some of the country’s most important names in these fields.

International performances and teaching gigs at dance festivals have taken him to Germany, France, Curacao, Mexico and all over the US. Wilfredo was also selected as a judge in the first annual World Latin Dance Cup with producer Albert Torres. Currently he teaches classes in San Diego and is the artistic director of La Tribu dance group.

Here are the details:
WHAT: A Rumba Basics/Body Movement class and a Son Cubano/body movement class

WHEN: Friday, March 3, 2017
           6:00pm-7:00pm - Rumba (all levels welcome)

           7:15pm-8:15pm - Son Cubano Basics/Body Movement for Son; Beginner level knowledge of casino (Cuban social dance) basics need to be there to succeed in this class). 

           8:30pm - 11:00pm - Social dancing with potluck

Please try to park as close to the side of the road as possible so we do not get complaints from the neighbors that they could not get through to their homes.
Carpooling definitely encouraged. Here are some pictures of studio where to turn on Iris Lane. It is small but cozy:

Turn left when you see this sign post

Here is the dance studio - yes it's small but it's cozy and that is why we need you to register. Only 24 people per session.

COST:  2 workshops: $25.00
           1 workshop: $15.00
Folks who bring a dish (chips & dip or a box of store bought cookies do not count), you get a $5 discount for the 2 workshops ($20 for both)

Maximum capacity for each class 24 people for each class
Sign up ahead of time to reserve your spot
Drop-ins are not guaranteed a spot in the class, depend on space.
Click and complete this registration form to secure your spot in each session: https://goo.gl/forms/hHqlWVq5xnOs0jGt2

Maritza's Vista Beginner Level 2 Series Starts - Mon. February 13th

Greetings Casineros & Amigos!
We are going strong in our Cuban Salsa - rueda de casino class series. LEVEL TWO begins next Monday in Vista.  To learn more about Maritza's rueda class curriculum, click this link.  My class is integrated with the Soy Bella Fitness Program. We are moving forward to LEVEL TWO Beginners Track Starting Monday, February 13, 2017. 

WHAT IS RUEDA DE CASINO?  This is Cuban-style salsa in a circle switching partners. If you have never seen this dance before, click this video link to see a random, not choreographed,  rueda de casino circle lead by Maritza Baida when she was in Seattle. This dance will give you a workout, and actually prevents Alzhiemer's. The dance does improve memory retention, and you will learn some Cuban Spanish along the way. Biggest reason people love it is because you meet people from all walks of life, people you would have never imagined The diversity awareness factor is huge in this dance. WATCH, you will be addicted!!

WHEN: Monday, 2/13, 2/27, 3/6, 3/13 7:30pm-9pm
To register, please arrive at 7pm to complete the membership form and pay. Class starts promptly at 7:30pm
with your membership it includes the following classes:
        - Zumba Saturdays 6:30pm at the Main Tierra Caliente Academy of Arts Studio
        - Toning & Strength Saturday's 9:30am

2017 Spring Semester Rueda Class Series Dates:
Beginners Level One class series: January 9th, (Jan 16th - no class MLK B-Day), 23rd, 30th,  & Feb 2nd, Feb 6th.
Beginners Level Two class series: Feb 13th, (Feb 20th - no class Presidents Day), 27th, Mar 6th & 13th
Beginners Level Three class series: Mar 20th, 27th, Apr 3rd, & 10th
Intermediate Level One series: Apr. 17th, 24th, May 1st, 8th
Rueda Performance Training for Ticitozaa Recital at Center for the Arts: May 15th, 22nd, 29th, and Jun 5th (More dates and times during each week in this series will be posted for rehearsals)
Ticitozaa Recital at Center for the Arts Escondido: June 11, 2016

WHERE: Vista Community Center - 642 Vista Village Drive, Vista, CA 92084

COST: $40 Annual Membership fee + $25 for the class = $65
If you paid the Annual Membership with Tierra Caliente Academy of Arts, then each following calendar month is $25 a month. Membership will be good for one calendar year. 

SOY BELLA Fitness Program is a collaboration between Tierra Caliente Academy of Arts in partnership with Vista Community Clinic. Soy Bella Fitness Program Mission: cultural and health awareness
Soy Bella membership benefits are:
  • tracking (weight and measurements)
  • nutrition workshops 
  • pedometers and more resources vista community clinic will donate. 
  • free soy Bella shirt 
  • and much more!

Rueda Demo Dancers needed for the San Diego Pain Summit Conference - Sat. Feb 11th

Greeting Everyone!
San Diego Pain Summit Conference hired me to teach a casino class for the participants and a Salsa Social afterwards. This is a private event, but I am needing at least 6 follows and 5 leads to help be with a demo. You need to have taken rueda de casino and completed Beginner Level 3 at minimum. DJ Mambo is going to be spinning the salsa music. Hopefully, he will play some timba for us. 
Here are the Details:
WHAT: Conference Salsa Social with a Cuban Salsa Class
WHEN: Saturday, February 11, 2017
           Cuban Salsa Class - 7:30pm
           Salsa Social - 8:30pm-11pm

WHERE: Marina Village Conference Center (Mission Bay area) - Dockside Room
COST: Rueda Demo Dancers will go in for Free, however $5.00 drink tickets
HOW: Please text me your name and what role you will be: lead or follow or flexible to do either. Beginners Level 3 Rueda de Casino knowledge required

Maritza's New Spring 2017 Intermediate Cuban Dance Series in Escondido - Begins Tues Feb 14th

Register Now for Intermediate Level I Rueda de Casino and/or
Intermediate Level 1 Son Cubano/Rueda-on-4 Class Series Begins Tuesday, Feb 14th

When: Tuesdays & Fridays 6:00pm-8:00pm 
Tuesdays are instruction; Friday is rueda practice to review what was covered in Tuesday class and more. 
Intermediate Level I Rueda Series: Feb 7th - Mar 7th 
Participants must be proficient in Beginner level I, II, & III casino moves and footwork. Click this link to see Maritza's Beginner Level curriculum. Dancers will learn important intermediate level patterns and footwork that can be used in Advanced level casino. This is a 4-week series for casineros who have mastered the 11 basic moves listed on Maritza's curriculum on the CasinoRueda Links tab on www.sandiegorueda.com blog.  If you are still trying to find the beat and you feel off, go back to beginners level 1, 2 or 3 or consult with Maritza.  The music will be faster and walking/stepping forward faster will be a MUST and part of the training. Please bring a foam roller to class (they are cheap at ROSS 4 Less or Walmart), needed for the warm up to work on Cuban body movement prep. Moves you will learn are: Dedo, Montana, Setenta complicada, Balsero, Beso, Dame una pa'rriba, seis y nueve, consorte, Kentoqui, 90, and 71. 

REGISTRATION for Intermediate Level 1 Rueda Series: Click this link to register for the Intermediate Level I Rueda de Casino in Escondido 
COST: $40.00 per person; Please bring cash
LOCATION:  Doug's studio in Escondido - 1717 S. Iris Lane, Escondido, CA 92026
WEBSITE: See Maritza's curriculum in the Casino Rueda Links tab 

SON CUBANO Class Series: Feb 7th - Mar 7th 8:15pm-10:00pm
This class series will introduce the intermediate casinero how to dance "son" a traditional social dance popular in the 50's typically danced to music with a contratiempo rhythm (emphasis on the 2nd & 4th beat). Son Cubano will be taught in partners and in a rueda. Just when you thought you found the beat,  Maritza is going to mess with your mind and send you into a paradygm shift with your listening ears so you can find the clave beat in your feet. Once you dance "son" you will keep wanting more or have a stronger appreciation for the dance and the contratiempo music.
REGISTRATION for Son Cubano 4-wk Class Series: Click this link to register 
COST: $40.00 per person; Please bring cash
LOCATION:  Doug's studio in Escondido - 1717 S. Iris Lane, Escondido, CA 92026
There are NO Drop-ins and NO make up classes for this series. Do not miss a class or you will have to wing it! The purpose of a closed series is to raise the level of casino rueda dance knowledge to the next level. There are 3 levels of beginner in learning rueda de casino.  

Contact Info:
Maritza Baida
Vista and Escondido, CA
Beginner Casino/Rueda, Intermediate Level Casino/Rueda & Son Cubano

Facebook: Baila Cubano San Diego, Inc.

Friday Rueda Practice at Grape Day Park - Fri. Feb 3rd

Greetings Casineros,
Come and join us at Grape Day Park in Escondido for a rueda practice meet up. The Park is located next to the Center for the Arts.  This is an outdoor rueda practice with the beginner's rueda and an intermediate level practice from this week's instruction. Come ready to sweat and have fun practicing the moves we learned this week!
Beginners Level 1 from Vista: Enchufla Con Camara Lenta, Super Lenta, Con Mambo, Arriba tiempo Espana.
Beginners Level 3 from Esco: Setenta, Enchufla con Ronde, Setenta por el Centro, La Yula, Enchufla con Pelota Loca, Evelyn and Coca Cola/Paseala
Intermediate Level 2 from Esco: Bayamo, Porque No, Bonito, Setenta Complicado, La Yula, Montana, Dedo, Balsero, Juana La Cubana
Here are the details:
WHAT: Meet-Up for a rueda de casino practice (beginner level and intermediate level hopefully two callers; two circles)
WHEN: Friday, February 3rd, 2017 from 6:30pm-8:30pm 
WHERE: Grape Day Park at the old Santa Fe Train Depot in Escondido. 
340 N Escondido Blvd, Escondido, CA 92025
Look for the green building on this weblink as your visual aid guide to find us. We will be there!
WHERE TO PARK: Park in the big Center for the Arts parking lot off of Escondido Blvd and Woodward Ave.  Once you park, then click this link to find your way to us. Enter the Center for the Arts and go left towards the grass to the Train Depot. You will see us there on the wooden platform on the picture above. 

Una Bulla!

February Casineros Birthday Celebration at La Jolla Marriott on Fri. Feb 24th

Oye Mi Gente!
We are celebrating all the February birthdays at the La Jolla Marriott on the last as they will integrate timba music for us 🎶🎵  

Los queremos invitar a celebrar a todos los cumplañeros del mes de Febrero en el Marriott este 24 de Febrero estaran tocando timba para nosotros 🎵🎶  Si quieres acompañarnos asi te pondremos en la lista de invitados y tambien diganos si es tu cumpleaños por e-mail. Mande tu confirmacion a Abri Zuniga:  azdcortes@gmail.com 

Here are the details:
WHAT: February Casinero Birthday Dance Meet Up at the La Jolla Marriott
WHEN: Friday, February 24, 2017 8:30pm for a salsa/bachata class; Get there before 10pm for the discounted guest-list price
WHERE: La Jolla Marriott - 4240 La Jolla Village Dr, La Jolla, CA 92037
COST: If on the guest list and you arrive before 10pm, then it's $8.00; if you arrive after 10pm and/or not on the guest list it's $10 
To be on the guest list contact Abril Zuniga by Thursday, February 23rd by e-mailing Abril at azdcortes@gmail.comand. Also let us know if it's your birthday 

Rueda Class Meet Up at Wilfredo's Rueda de Casino Class in North Park - Thurs Jan 2nd

Greetings Everyone! 
We are taking a field trip in Norh County to Wilfredo's class in North Park (South County). We already have a car full of folks going. Want to meet up and dance in Wilfredo's class? Only $10 each class. We did this last week and had so much fun!! Let's do it again!! You're guaranteed to have a really great time!

Here are the details:
WHAT: Rueda Class Meet Up at Wilfredo's Thursday Night Rueda de Casino Class
WHEN: Thursday, February 2, 2017 7pm for Beginners; 8pm for Intermediate
 WHERE: Dancing Unlimited - 4569 30th St, San Diego, CA 92116
 COST: $10 per class




KATI HERNÁNDEZ will be teaching some AFRO TIMBA dance moves to warm up the dance floor. Then we'll dance SON, DESPELOTE, SOME RUEDAS de CASINO, REGGAETÓN, RUMBA, and some hot LINE DANCES!


Try one of Chef ISRAEL’s tasty offerings to fuel your dance energy! If you're coming in a group, message Curuye if you'd like to reserve a table.

ALL AGES WELCOME! $12 cover includes dance class! 

The GRANADA’s MAIN BALLROOM, 17 South First Street, Alhambra 91801. FREE PARKING in structure across the street!