From Cuba, Orquesta La Farandula Live -Sun Feb 24th @ Ocean House!

Live music events are popping out of nowhere! This is amazing! The Cuban band from Tijuana who played at the Palomar College's Noche Havana is playing at the Ocean House! Let get out there to support the music we love.

Here are the details:
What: Ocean House Salsa Sunday with live Cuban band La Farandula
When: Sunday, February 24th
Cost: Typically it is FREE before 8pm, but when they have a band, they tend to charge $10 to get in. so expect to pay something. Just be prepared.

1 comment:

  1. I must say, I was sorely disappointed by the restriction made by Rumba Entertainment for not letting La Farandula play timba. Yeah...the band members told me. More of a reason for me to get a non-profit license to host events and get funding for Cuban events with NO restrictions and let timba be played loud and fast!


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