Save the Date! Rueda Flash Mob at Carlsbad TGIF Jazz in the Park

Greetings Casineros!
The schedule is out now for the Carlsbad TGIF Jazz at the Park. On August 24th at Calavera Hills Park, Johnny Polanco Orchestra will be playing live. This is our chance to do a flash mob rueda at the park! If you are interested in being part of the flash mob contact me at I'll be calling the seasoned beginners/intermediate rueda and the following moves will be called;
Paso Basico
Enchufla pero no (same as arriba tiempo Espana but begins w/ enchufla)
Caminamos pa'rriba
Adios con la hermana (prima con la hermana)
Un tarro pero no la deje
Otro tarro pero no la deje
Pa'bajo (same as guapiando)
Enchlfa pal' medio con dos
La flor
Dame loco
kentucky  - exhibela - setenta uno
Enchufla con Manolin
Un beso
Sobrero con exhibela
Una con una
una con dos
dos con dos
enchulfa pa'rriba
Dame dos
candado - con tren
La policia and ends with dame pa'rriba
enchufla y paseala
Enchulfa pero no
Pa'bajo - exhibila dos con una
Una bulla!  (response: Eyyyyyyy!)
Dos Bullas! (response: Ey Eyyyy!)
Celia Cruz (response: Azucar!)
Ui Yui yui! (Response: Te Veooooo!)
Tu madre! (Response: La Tuya!)

If you know most of this stuff, then come join us. I will  be going over these moves in my class in Vista (Yoga Munkey - Tuesday nights 7:15pm to 8:15pm).

For more details on the concerts, click here for the concert schedule. For the flash mob, we just need at least 3 couples. More couples would be great, so let me know I will post who is going to be there for confirmation of pairs of casineros attending!

Una Bulla!

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